
UIC College of Education Grant Awards Top $10 Million

Faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Education have received grants totaling more than $10 million for research and educator preparation.

UIC Library Acquires Former County Commissioner

The University of Illinois at Chicago Library recently acquired the papers of Carl Hansen, who served as a Cook County commissioner from 1970 to 2006.

UIC Center Champions Exercise for People with Disabilities

The University of Illinois at Chicago's Center on Recreational Technologies and Exercise Physiology for people with disabilities has won a $4.75 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education's National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research to continue operations another five years.

UIS Wins Major National Award for Online Teaching, Learning

The University of Illinois at Springfield has won a major national award for Excellence in Institution-Wide Online Teaching & Learning Programming from the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C).

WUIS Listeners Pledge Record Amount

Listeners of public radio WUIS-WIPA pledged more than $142,000 in support during the station’s fall membership drive that ended at 9 a.m. on October 19. More than 1,200 listeners made pledges during the nine-day drive.

University of Illinois Brilliant Futures Campaign Edges Past Half-way Point of $2.25 Billion Goal

One of the largest fund drives in higher education and the largest in the University of Illinois’s 140-year history has passed the halfway point in gift commitments as of August 31, 2007.

Gifts to Benefit Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, Springfield Campuses of University of Illinois

Seventeen private gifts totaling about $33.5 million earmarked for University of Illinois programs at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago and Springfield were announced today (Friday, Sept. 28) at the U of I Foundation’s 72nd Annual Meeting.

U of I and Foundation Receive $190.5 Million in Private Gifts During Past Year

Total Giving Increases 3 Percent to U of I; Gifts from Alumni and Friends Up $18.8 Million or 9% Over Previous Year; Total Endowment Grows by Nearly 23 Percent in Year

University of Illinois Receives $13.3 million Increase From State

The University of Illinois will receive a $13.3 million increase in its base state appropriation of $720.5 million in the 2008 fiscal year budget Governor Rod Blagojevich signed Thursday.

UI Ranks No. 38 in Latest Magazine List

Princeton holds the top spot in the latest U.S. News & World Report college rankings, the eighth straight year the private, New Jersey school has either tied or held the top slot outright. The University of Illinois came in at 38.